How much does it cost for car key duplication?

Cars are entirely useless without their keys, and that essentially means you can never lose them. However, unfortunate circumstances do not come unannounced, and one can easily find themselves locked out of their car. Suppose you reside in Dubai in particular and find yourself in such a situation, in that case, you could either look up the term ‘car key maker near me’ who can help provide assistance with regards to car key replacement in Dubai or contact the trusted car locksmith in Dubai from your speed dial.

How much does it cost for car key duplication in dubai

A Locksmith Dubai offers you the assistance you require, just what you need in a pestering time as this. If you are looking for a car locksmith, then choosing the right one can put you in a bit of pickle.

To avoid the frenzy, Locksmith Dubai provides the service to duplicate your keys and provide you with much relief. Their services vary according to your needs.

However, most people don’t care too much about such a situation until a random incident finds you locked out of your car. It isn’t entirely rare to lose or break your keys in Dubai, and hence having a spare made wouldn’t be a bad bet as it decreases the possibility of being stuck and losing time.

So you mainly do yourself a favor by avoiding a dreadful car lockout scenario if you know you have your duplicate key made, which is kept nearby or resting somewhere in your wallet or bag.

In addition, it is important to understand what your needs are so that you ask for the right service. There are diverse options for your car key replacement needs, and here is an overview of the process you would embark upon:

Full Replacement

This would mean you are entirely dispossessed of any original or copies of your key and now require a qualified locksmith to create a new one according to your car and ignition type. This is not replication, but an entirely new key made and would require professionals who excel in this line of work.

Key Duplication

Replicating your key is a slightly less occupying task if it is done right and if you have approached the right person. The cost of the process depends on the kind of work being carried out. There are various ways, for example, fitting the original in a machine that carves another piece of metal absolutely identical to the original.

However, as technology grows, the car industry steams ahead as well, and that brings in complications and specifications that not every local locksmith would be capable of withstanding. Locksmith Dubai is skilled in replicating the key in accordance with what functions it requires to carry out.

The cost of getting a fully new constructed key or its replication has different factors to adhere to. Here are some of them:

Where Do You Go?

Wherever you go, prices will differ. To further explain that, a local hardware store might not state a very hefty amount because it’s not specifically their line of work to replicate keys, and they might not even do the right job. So if you think saving money on that would help you is probably not the best choice cause you don’t want to be spending your money twice to get it done right.

Car key makers in Dubai would vary in their pricing, but Locksmith Dubai is a service prepared to give value for every dirham. In addition, they are highly qualified to manufacture or replicate blank keys, sensor keys, or any regular ones.

Your Car Type

The most significant factor in determining the cost of duplicating your car key depends on the model and make of your car. So it is necessary for you to know these details before you divulge into the process. It is preferable to look into these details by researching about your car or reading about it in its manual.

However, the locksmiths in Dubai are experts, so they probably would know precisely what to do after inspecting your car and brief you. The locksmith would tell you if the key to be duplicated is a standard one or if it has special features that need to be nailed down. Standard keys without special features cost the least.

However, these keys have become outdated since there have been multiple additions to the keys like transponder chips, sensors, lasers, and parts of remotes. These additional features often increase the price range as it necessitates precise work on them.

Duplication Method

While we ponder the cost of duplication, it is important to consider the machinery used. It is the third factor in determining the price. You must be wondering why this is important. The reasoning behind it relies on the machine’s use because that regulates the amount of time spent duplicating it.

These complications have a say in deciding the price because of how precise the key needs to be in its cutting and fitting, let alone the special features. The more time it takes to duplicate your key, the higher the price will go. So as mentioned earlier, it is not enough to just get the cut right because you don’t want to enter a car and not get it started because the transponder chips were not programmed. 

Average Cost of Duplication

After having outlined all the necessary steps needed to duplicate your key successfully, all you need to do is contact a reliable locksmith and let them do their magic. If you don’t have a car locksmith in Dubai, no need to worry, car key makers at Locksmith Dubai are more than capable and excel at getting the job done right. Here’s an average range of what duplicating your key would cost you:

At a local hardware store, the prices range from AED 4 to AED 7.5, provided it is a basic blank cut without a chip and remote.

A local locksmith would cost you around AED 8 to AED 16 since that is their precise line of work.

Locksmith shops in Dubai usually cost you about AED 360 if your car key has a remote and various other functions. The range mainly depends on the car type.

An automotive dealership will probably charge you slightly higher than the shops, but they will do a perfect job, so if they cost you around AED 440 to AED 550, that’s not a bad deal.


The best choice would be to avoid the hassle and get your car keys duplicated and store them in a safe place before you find yourself stranded and stressed. If you are looking for a car key replacement in Dubai, then an experienced locksmith will complete the job in no time. All the key takeaways for what you require to be safe are mentioned above, and Locksmith Dubai will save you from that google search on where you can find “car key maker near me.”

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