How to Prevent Locking Your Children in the Car

Forgetting your kids in the car is unfortunate that no one wants to experience. But, we hear on the news every other day about such cases. A little distraction can throw your child’s life at risk. It is stressful for every parent because kids are important for everyone. The science behind there mentality is unsolved. Even if you are in or out of your home, must take your car keys with you.

Don’t leave your kids alone in the car:

If you are going somewhere for a few minutes, don’t leave your kids in the car. Misfortune can happen anywhere and anytime. Try to take your kids with you even if you are going to the supermarket to buy something very minor. If your kid is an infant and is sleeping in the car, leaving your kid behind is not a smart choice.

Take care of your car keys:

It may sound weird to protect your car keys from small children, but it is a vital tip. Kids attract towards keys a lot more than their toy. Once your kid finds car keys, they will be one step closer to put their own lives in danger.

A spare key is necessary:

A spare car key is also necessary because in case your kids auto-lock them in a car, you can rescue them. If you don’t have a spare key, avoid key dealers and contact any locksmith. Many locksmiths in Dubai help to create a spare key for your car.

Check car seats every time you leave your car:

Check your car seats every time you leave your car. Just like to check your vehicle every time to look for your car key, wallet or mobile phone. Your kids are much more important than your other things. So, make a strong habit of check your car seats for your kid’s safety.

Locksmith number is a must-have:

Having a locksmith number on your mobile phone is not a big deal. An emergency can happen anytime, so be prepared for “just in case” situations beforehand. The situation depends on the temperature outside the car. Sometimes the heat outside the car is so much that you need to contact locksmith, police, and emergency service at the same time. That’s why all those numbers are must-have.

Stay connected with the child’s caregiver:

Communication with the caretaker is very important. In case if you think that you leave your kid in preschool or daycare but forget that, the care giver will inform you about the absence of your child.

In case if you spot a child in a car alone

You must face this situation once in your lifetime. Make sure to take the following step in case if you spot a child in a car alone.

  • Call Dubai Police and inform them about the car plate number and the location.
  • Stay close to the car until any helps arrive, it gives courage to the child that someone is with him
  • Call the nearest Dubai locksmith to make a duplicate key.

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