We might become so frustrated by misplacing our vehicle keys that our day is nearly wrecked. Do you know what’s even worse than having your car keys getting lost? You realize that you don’t have a spare. What are you going to do if you find yourself in this situation? After losing your vehicle keys and being unable to locate them, you may be under the impression that you would have to go through a lengthy and expensive process to get a new set created.

However, this is not the case. Not to worry if you’re feeling down in the dumps since you don’t have a spare. It happens to the best of us at some point. Maintaining your cool is the first step; if the keys have indeed been misplaced, an automotive locksmith can generally get you back in your car and have a replacement key manufactured within 20-45 minutes of their arrival. So, let’s get started and see what we can do to make a difference.
If you lose your vehicle keys, the first thing you should do is, of course, double-check all of your belongings once again. According to the manufacturer, an automobile owner who loses their car keys and does not have a spare will need to call the dealership to have new car keys made and reprogram them to the car’s immobilizer system. Depending on the type of your vehicle, you may be required to tow it to the dealership. A list of the measures you should follow if you lose your car keys is provided below for your convenience. You will find out what to do next depending on the sort of car key you have for your vehicle further down in the text.
Search again for lost car keys

The first step in locating your vehicle keys is to remain calm and avoid panicking. Additionally, it will assist you in thinking more effectively. You may have looked for your vehicle keys several times already. But now that you’ve regained your composure go back and look for it again. Check all your belongings, including your baggage, desk drawer, workplace, and other places you could have hidden the car keys. Even if you are sure that you have misplaced your keys, you must follow this procedure. Just make sure you allow yourself enough time to look for it. If it turns out that you just forgot about it in the restroom for whatever reason, you’ll save a lot of money.
Examine Your Vehicle
Then, if you haven’t found anything in the home or wherever you are, it’s time to check your car, assuming it’s not locked. Due to simple carelessness, many people unintentionally leave their keys in their vehicles. Hopefully, you will discover them inside the car, but not locked away, since this would lead to further complications. If you find that you’ve left your keys in the car, it’s time to have a key duplication. If this is not the case, you will need to proceed with having new keys produced.
Gather Vehicle’s Information
You should gather the information you’ll need to contact a locksmith if you discovered that your keys were not in the car when you checked it. The information about your vehicle that you offer to the locksmith or the dealership where you purchased your vehicle will allow them to make the appropriate key for you.
The first thing you should inform them about is what sort of key you’ve misplaced in the first place. Your VIN, or vehicle identification number, as well as the type and model of your vehicle, as well as the year of manufacture, are all significant pieces of information. This information may be found on your insurance card or the documentation proving your car’s registration. If those documents are locked inside the automobile, contact a professional locksmith to open the car door for you. They will be able to assess the type of key that you require for your situation.
Purchase a new key
Choosing between working with a vehicle dealership or a local locksmith is your next decision. Typically, when dealing with an older vehicle, you would go for a locksmith rather than the dealership to save money. Modern automobiles, on the other hand, may require the assistance of a dealership. With the most recent technology, it is preferable to have your dealer prepare the key so that you can be confident that it will function. Yes, this solution will be more expensive, but it will spare you from a plethora of hassles in the long run.
Prepare a Spare Key
Once you’ve obtained a replacement key for your vehicle, it’s time to get a spare. It’s going to be easier to buy two keys simultaneously because it will save time. You won’t have to deal with this amount of anxiety again if you have a spare key. If you misplace your key again, you will have a spare on hand to see you through until you can acquire a backup spare.
Contact a Locksmith in Dubai
You’ll want expert assistance to obtain a new set of automobile keys at this point. The decision you must make at this point is whether you will seek help from a locksmith or a dealer. So, let’s see which one of the two would be able to supply you with the most helpful information and support.
Using a locksmith is the best course of action if you have an older automobile. You can avoid going to the dealership since their services might be quite pricey in this case. Getting a spare key will be simple if you work with a locksmith. Contact best locksmith in Dubai or any other area to get things easy for you.
Final Thoughts
Car keys that have been lost are inconvenient. Hopefully, you were able to locate your keys or recall where you had hidden the extra set along the way. If this is the case, call the best locksmith Dubai in your region right away to get a replacement vehicle key made. We hope you enjoyed and found our post to be informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.