Patio Door Lock Replacement Tips


Patio door lock management is a serious task. The doors require attention in order to function properly, and if not taken care of, the doors would cause serious problems in the long term. Hence, before you find yourself  locked out or feel slight slitting on your hands while sliding the door, it is a sign to get your door locks replaced.

However, not everyone bothers much about this until an unfortunate circumstance strikes them. It is always a safer bet  to have your door locks replaced, and who better to do that  than the efficient team at Locksmith Dubai. With a Dubai locksmith on your phone’s speed dial, you can save yourself from experiencing such unfortunate incidents.

A local locksmith in Dubai might not have all the expertise required to get your doors sliding and locking perfectly. Compromising on your safety is not a matter you would want to take a risk on by appointing someone from the local market. Hence, Locksmith Dubai is the perfect solution for all your door lock replacements as they are well equipped and possess the right set of skills for a properly functioning door.


Door locks are likely to malfunction over time due to various reasons like dust, rust or lack of lubrication, etc. Whatever might be the case, it is essential to have figured out what the patio door needs and an expert Dubai Locksmith would most certainly enlighten you about what is to be done.

There are two options for your patio door lock. It could be a daunting task depending on the damage. For instance, you might need to change the entire lock assembly even if one of its components stops operating. On the other hand, having a full patio door replacement is often beneficial since it keeps the door health up to the mark and doesn’t become a reason to worry.

The process often requires you to determine the cause of the issue, but if you do not have a surface-level understanding of doors, that is fine. A locksmith in Dubai is an expert professional who is more than capable of finding out where the problem lies and recommending a solution. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach patio door lock replacement conundrums:


Lock replacement components are the first step to take in replacing your door locks. The aspects of focus in replacing door locks are based on the size and fit, security upgrades, and if the part fixes your problem. An expert will know what to choose to get the job done right instead of adopting the DIY approach.

For a mortise latch lock, it is imperative to get the measurements right.  Usually, the locks vary in size, shape, and length. You need to check if the faceplate of the lock is rounded or square-edged. You must check if the angle of the keyway rests at a 45 degree slanted angle or if it rests vertically. The mounting holes must extend out an equal distance as well.


While getting your locks changed, you would want to upgrade the security aspect of the door, but there’s not much to be done with a sliding patio door. The best bet is to get the locks changed, and an expert would recommend getting the glass film-coated for better strength. Nevertheless, replacing patio door locks is an excellent opportunity to invest in a lock much more secure and enhanced.


It is not necessary for the locks to be broken or rusted, as there can be other issues with a sliding patio door. So often, lock hardware isn’t the issue but something underling it. For example, you might be looking at an issue with the latch or the bolt, and a door lock replacement would temporarily fix the issue.

There is a common occurrence with door lock replacement misdiagnosis. More often than not, foundational problems get overlooked, including wood expansion or lack of tidiness, or improper fitting of the sliding door.

If any of these issues occur, getting a door lock replacement might be able to buy you some time, but you will need to get a more permanent solution, so you can stay secure and safe. In Dubai specifically, locksmiths can be a hassle to contact, but at Locksmith Dubai, they provide you convenience without compromising quality.


Replacement options can vary depending on the kind of patio door. Here are some different types of doors:


Specifically, there are two types of latch locks, one of them being a rim lock, and the other is the mortise lock mentioned above. Each has a different way of disassembling them. To replace the mortise lock, you need to ensure the body does not fall into the door while disassembling it.

Rim lock latches are relatively easier to install and are significantly less complicated. All you need to make sure is that the latch lines up parallel to one another, including measurement of the correct height.


Unsurprisingly, the handles on the door give out problems as well. Sometimes the locks don’t need replacement. Instead, it’s the handles since they give out from extra wear and tears. It is relatively easier to replace a handle than a traditional door knob.


These locks have a simple way about them; in that, they slide up into the top part of the door or the bottom part. This allows the the jamb to lock or unlock the door with one slide.


After covering an array of topics leading to the process and unraveling all that one requires to replace patio lock doors, all that is left is for you is to test the newly replaced locks from an expert locksmith in Dubai.

By contacting an experienced professional or team, they will make sure to choose the right product, the right fit, and the installation, making it all precise .As a result, you will find the doors to be efficiently working without a hassle. For more information on getting your patio door lock needs met, Locksmith Dubai offers a variety of services. They range from changing lock components, door handles, installing stronger glass film, and replacing sliding patio doors.

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